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  • Healthy Me week

    Mon 26 Mar 2018

    Last week was our annual 'Healthy Me' week where the children got active and learnt lots of ways to stay healthy.

    We were lucky to have some specialist coaches come into school and teach the children all about tennis and golf. It was a great week that finished with a charity fun run raising money for Julia's House. Thank you to all those that kindly sponsored.

  • Fun Run for Julia's House

    Sun 25 Mar 2018
    To end our 'Healthy Me' week, the children took part in a fabulous sponsored fun run on Friday. The children went the 'extra mile' to help raise funds for Julia's House Children's Hospice. The children enjoyed the challenge. Thank you to the children's families for your generous sponsorship - we will be counting up the sponsorship money shortly.
  • This week's visitors in Reception

    Fri 16 Mar 2018

    This week our Reception children had even more visitors who came in to talk about their jobs. Thank you to all of the visitors for taking the time to come in and chat to the children.


    First the Owls class were visited by Mr White who gave them an insight into his job refurbishing cars. He brought with him some of the equipment he uses and the children got to have a good look and feel.

    Mr Hesketh came to talk about his work as a ranger on Hengistbury Head. He talked about some of the nature you might see there and demonstrated some of the things he does at work every day.

    Mrs Utting talked in great detail about her role as an audiologist and taught the children all about how their ears help them to hear things and what it would be like to have a hearing loss.

    Finally Rhys Jones - a First Responder with the ambulance service came in. He showed each class some of the important pieces of equipment he carries with him and told them about some of the things he might need to do when called to an emergency.

    Another very interesting week in Reception!

  • We had a-llot-ment of fun!

    Fri 16 Mar 2018

    The Year One children spent a rather chilly afternoon at the school's new allotment plot. The children did a fabulous job of planting potatoes with the help from an army of parents. We were also joined by two lovely ladies from Tescos, Jodie and Courteney, who came to help and supplied some gloves and tools for the children.


  • Netball Festival

    Mon 12 Mar 2018 Graham Antell
    A huge well done to all the girls from Year Two who went down to the Yarrells to take part in a Netball festival which included teams from Upton, Longfleet and Yarrells. The children learnt so much about the game and showed a great attitude during the afternoon. Thank you to The Yarrells for hosting a great festival of Netball.
  • School Allotment!

    Mon 12 Mar 2018

    Mr Homer and the Mutter family spent Mothers' Day afternoon at the school's new allotment yesterday! Using some old scaffold boards, they created six raised beds for the children to plant fruit and vegetables in throughout the coming months. A huge thank you to the Mutter family for giving up their time to support this project! Here is a link to Mr Mutter's video of the afternoon...



    The allotment is situated in Slough Lane (opposite the bottom of Sea View Road). Later this year we hope to set up a fruit and veg stall on the playground, at the end of the school day, in the hope that the allotment will fund itself - watch this space!


    Until that point, we are in need of some donations and volunteers. If you, or somebody you know, would be willing to donate scaffold boards or paving slabs, we would be more than grateful! We would also like some more gardening tools for the children and as many helping hands as possible! If you are interested in getting involved, please speak to Mr Homer.

  • A week of visitors

    Fri 09 Mar 2018

    Our Reception children have continued to enjoy a range of visitors this week as part of their 'People Who Help Us' topic.


    Dr. Shepherd came to see us at the beginning of the week and she brought her doctor's kit with her containing all sorts of interesting things like stethoscopes, eye and ear torches and her thermometer. The children had lots of questions for her about her job and enjoyed telling her all about their own different ailments they were suffering from!


    Jon Sweet from Dorset Fire and Rescue Service came to school today and taught us lots about keeping safe in the home and what to do if there's a fire (get out, stay out and call 999). We got to try on some child-sized uniforms - trying to do so in under 1 minute, practised a  'stop, drop and roll' and even did a wake and shake with him.


    The Ladybirds had another visitor this afternoon - Nurse White. She wore her uniform and talked about all the different things a nurse on a hospital ward has to do. She also told us about her uniform and the other different coloured uniforms that different types of nurses wear. She showed us how to put on bandages and we had lots of fun bandaging each other's arms and legs!


    The day finished with a visit from a local fire engine and crew who showed us inside their fire engine and let us all have a go spraying the hose. What a fun-filled afternoon we had!


    Thank you so much to all our wonderful visitors. We are learning so much from these visits.

  • Fantastic Fundraising

    Fri 09 Mar 2018

    In Tuesday's assembly we were visited, once again, by Sharon from the NSPCC. She had come to tell us how much money our recent Danceathon had raised...an amazing £1465.51!

    Thank you to all our sponsors - we are so grateful for your support.