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Stage 2 - Early Intervention and Graduated Response

The Graduated Response

 is a way of helping to identify the needs of children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).  It provides the most effective support to help them learn and progress. This is a ‘staged’ approach and follows a four part cycle (assess, plan, do and review), known as the Graduated  Response.



Plan Do Review Cycle

This cycle will involve meeting class teacher to plan a series of targets which could be met through Universal Quality First Teaching.  If there is a question in regards to the barriers preventing progress it may be that either Miss Sadler or Mrs Elliott will attend the meeting and support planning around cognition and learning.



Pre Teaching

Pre-teaching is a strategy that involves teaching pupils concepts, skills, or vocabulary prior to a lesson so they can hit the ground running. It can provide pupils with more knowledge and confidence when approaching a new topic. This can help to increase engagement and reduce frustration.


Pupil Progress meetings

Individual children are discussed within a small team to ensure that we understand their needs and plan for early intervention.


Worry monster/ok not ok

All children use an emotional check in board and have access to the Worry Monster.  This is used to safeguard children, regulate emotions and also form positive and trusting relationships with class teachers/Teaching assistants.

Bayley the Brilliant Dog

Bayley can come into school with the aim of providing a calming or harmonious influence that children (and perhaps sometimes the staff) can focus on to reduce classroom anxiety and stress levels.  She is a Spring Spaniel aged 2 years, she loves to play ball with the children but mostly loves to hear the children read.  On some occasions, whilst learning her own Brilliant Behaviour has been used to promote positive choices.

Meet the SENDCo

At this stage you would be invited in to discuss the concerns with Mrs Elliot, Miss Sadler and class teacher so that we can work together to support pupils.  We would plan a cycle of early intervention which may include some of the targeted approaches listed below in Stage 3.