The Pupil Premium is funding that school's receive to spend on children from low income families, whose parents are in the services and Looked After Children. This is to try and ensure the children achieved as well as their peers. Looked after children and children from low incomes backgrounds are, statistically, less likely to achieve. It is for the school to decide how to spend this money and we offer a number of initiatives to try and ensure that everyone who is eligible achieves well.
Some of the additional benefits include:
For more information about our Pupil Premium offer please refer to our Pupil premium leaflet which has been created in conjunction with Upton Junior School
To be eligible for Pupil Premium you must either:-
have a parent serving in the Armed Forces
be a Looked After Child (SGO, PRO, post adoption)
be in receipt of one of the following qualifying benefits:
Children who get paid these benefits directly, instead of through a parent or guardian, can also get free school meals.
Your child may also get free school meals if you get any of these benefits and your child is both:
Therefore, if you think you might be eligible, please let Mrs Earl in the office know and they will be able to provide further information. Alternatively if you think you should be entitled to Free School Meals then ring Dorset Direct on 01305 221000 (you will need to have your national insurance number ready).
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