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Welcome to our Governors’ section.

We are currently without a Clerk to Governors so some of this information could be out of date. If you are interested in the position of Clerk to Governors please contact the school office on office@uptoninf.dorset.sch.uk.


The Governing Body of Upton Infant School would like to welcome all the users of this website. On this page, we aim to provide you with information and details of the tasks we undertake towards the successful running of the school.


Hamwic Education Trust also has its own governance structure. Please click here for more information.

We hope that the information provided here will provide evidence of how much we all believe and value not only academic achievement, but also how much the children are encouraged to achieve their potential, as well as demonstrating how happy, safe and secure they feel in their learning environment. The Governors are proud to be a proactive part of a very successful and dedicated team.  

The Governing Body is always keen to meet and hear the views of both parents and pupils, and can be contacted via the following email addresses;


Chair of Governors - rhianbest@uptoninf.dorset.sch.uk

All Governors - governors@uptoninf.dorset.sch.uk


 Minutes for each meeting are held in school should anyone wish to read them.

The Governors are actively involved in school life in many ways from appointing staff, overseeing budgetary expenditure and ensuring a safe environment for staff and children.


Our Current Governors are;


Duncan Churchill - Headteacher

Rhian Wootten - Chair of Governors & SEND Governor

Simon Davey - Vice Chair of Governors & Health & Safety Governor

Dawn Goodwin - Safeguarding Governor

Charlene Nicklen - Staff Governor

Alison Carter - Co-opted Governor



If you, or someone you know maybe interested in joining our Governing Body, please contact the Clerk to the Governors, for further information.