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SEND and Inclusion

Welcome to our Inclusion Page

Information For Parents 2023

SEND Reports to Parents

To ACHIEVE their best...

To be CONFIDENT individuals...

To have successful TRANSITIONS

Meet the team:

Mrs N Dawson 
Inclusion Leader
  and Assistant Head


Mrs S Elliott, Early Help Teacher and Stage 1-3 SEND Support








Miss Sadler, Stormbreak Teacher and Stage 1-3 SEND support




Mrs B Hatch, Elklan trainined Speech and Langauge TA




Mrs C James, Speech and Language Teaching Assistant (2 days a week)


Mrs K Rudd, Specialist SEND HLTA (Communication and Interaction) and Emotional Literacy Assistant (Happiness Club) and Trauma Informed 



Mrs H Zambuni, Learn to Move/Move to Learn Teaching Assistant in Year 2


Mrs S Dunn, 1:1 Teaching Assistant- Specialising in Social and Emotional Health and PEIC D



Mrs F Gardener, 1:1 Teaching assistant- specialising in both Communication and Interaction and Social and Emotional Health and Attention ASD

Mrs G Dally, Precision Teaching and Year 2 Teaching Assistant



"At Upton Infant School we believe Inclusion is meant in the widest sense. It incorporates children and young people as well as the rights of parents/carers, students and all staff"  Please contact Mrs Dawson for further information or queries regarding SEND by contacting the school office via office@uptoninf.dorset.sch.uk.

Should parents of SEND parents make a formal complaint against the school (using the complaints policy) they will be offered support via SENDIAS and a governor will support them with the process.


Meet Mrs Rudd

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What does Mrs Rudd do?

Mrs Rudd take 2

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What does Mrs Rudd like?

Meet Mrs Dunn

Still image for this video
What does Mrs Dunn do?

Meet Mrs Hatch

Still image for this video
What does Mrs Hatch do?

Meet Mrs Gardner

Still image for this video
What does Mrs Gardner do?



  • A bespoke curriculum which develops the whole child
  • Enabling children to make progress in an effective learning environment
  • Highly skilled adults with exceptional inclusive ethos
  • Individual needs are the core of this provision
  • Enabling children to express and communicate their needs
  • Children playing an integral part to the community of Upton
  • Parental and multi agency support is vital
  • Enabling transitions of every sort (pre school, mainstream, playtimes, community, Key Stage 2)

Diverse Abilities brochure

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