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Stage 1 - Universal Provision and Quality First Teaching


The aim of the project was to find a fun way for five year olds to have the skills they need to be able to be physically fit for school that was easy to fit into a busy school day.



Multi Sensory Learning

A multisensory approach is one that integrates sensory activities. The students see, hear, and touch.... In essence, a multisensory approach incorporates the learning styles for visual, auditory, kinaesthetic, and tactile learners.  This would be through the use of song, manipulatives, actions and rhymes. 

This is used through daily planned subjects but also planned in x 3 days a week to support more specific needs.



Differentiated teaching occurs when a teacher plans a lesson that adjusts either the content being discussed, the process used to learn or the product expected from students to ensure that learners at different starting points can receive the instruction they need to grow and succeed. Differentiation in the classroom is an important skill for teachers to give pupils the best chance at learning, regardless of their abilities, strengths and weaknesses. Pupil engagement is key to fostering motivation and confidence in the classroom.



Scaffolding refers to a method in which teachers offer a particular kind of support to pupils as they learn and develop a new concept or skill. In the scaffolding model, a teacher may share new information or demonstrate how to solve a problem.  This is a temporary support which would reduce in time to encourage independence.



Metacognition is, put simply, “thinking about one's thinking.” Talking through the learning journey and modelling your thoughts to children as you go.  We use the anchor chart to record this.


Anchor Charts

An anchor chart is a tool used to support instruction (i.e., “anchor” the learning for pupils). As you teach a lesson, you create a chart, together with your students, that captures the most important content and relevant strategies.  This can then be sued as a prompt throughout a lesson or to reflect on prior learning.