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Year Two's Weekly Blog

Year Two's Weekly Blog


Welcome to Year Two’s first weekly blog. We are hoping you will find this useful to find out what your child has been doing at school this week and what they will be learning next week.  


Our brilliant Year Two children are into their final half term of Upton Infant School and now only have six weeks left until the summer holiday and on to their new schools. Although we are still unable to do many of the things we would normally do, we have some exciting things coming up over the coming six weeks. More details to follow!


What we have been doing this week


We have been reading the story 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Brown in literacy this week. The children have been performing drama  to help them explore the feelings of characters in the story (you can see some children taking part in the drama below) and thinking about writing diaries.


In Maths, we have been revisiting multiplication. We have been practicing the 2s, 5s and 10s times tables and using these to solve multiplication calculations,


In our Adventure Afternoons we are being 'Brilliant Scientists' at the moment. This week we have been learning about the characteristics of living things, what animals and plants need to survive and beginning to look at different habitat types


What we are learning next week


In writing next week we will be imagining ourselves as the character from 'In the Forest' and writing a diary.


In maths next week we will be revisiting division, grouping and sharing. We will be using our knowledge of the 2,5 and 10 times tables to solve division calculations and problems.


In our adventure afternoons will be continuing to be 'Brilliant Scientist'. We will be investigating the animals and plants in our local environment and planning and carrying out our our fair test investigations to find out what the favourite habitat of a woodlouse is.


The week after, the children will be designing their own vehicles for the 'Wacky Races'. Please click here to find out more about this!


Next week’s spellings:


Set A

(children doing RWI)

Set B

(children NOT doing RWI)

port war
thorn warmth
fork ward
yawn towards
paw swarm
saw wart


Wow Work


Take a look at the photos at the bottom of the page to see some of the super work that children have been doing this week. Also, please seen below to see which class has topped the Year Two Doodle chart this week and which class are the top readers - they have earned extra playtime!


Weekly Reads

(number of children reading 3 or more times a week)






Extra playtime earned

7 9 10


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)






Extra playtime earned