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New Parents 2024-25



We are delighted that you are thinking about sending your little person to our school. We are a friendly and happy school who will put your child's happiness at the centre of everything we do. Our aims are for children to love coming to school and for them to do as well as they can while they are with us. Being an infant school we are able to focus on the early years and to create a caring ethos where young children thrive. To get a good idea of our school watch our end of term video by clicking on here.


We are having a Prospective Parents Evening on Wednesday 9th October at 6.00 so please come along to learn about our school.


We are also having an open day on Wednesday 13th November at 9.30 where you will be able to see our school in action.


The rest of the information on this page will give you an idea of what transition will look like in the summer term and beyond (the dates where from our transition for this year). 

Important dates for your diary


 Meeting for New Reception Parents

Wednesday 12th June 2024 at 6pm 

(In the school hall)



Summer Term

'Meet the teacher'

Wednesday 26th June 3.30-4.15pm

An optional and informal 'drop in' session for you and your child to come and meet your child's teacher and see their new classroom.


‘Stay and Play’ session

3.30 to 4.30pm

Surnames- A – M - Monday 1st July

Surnames- N – Z - Monday 8th July


Children stay at school for a play without their parents.


Home visits

Tuesday 2nd July, Wednesday 3rd July or Monday 8th July 2024

Parents will need to sign up for an AM / PM slot for one of these dates on the sheets provided at the 'Meeting for New Reception Parents' on Wednesday 12th June. Alternatively, parents can phone the school after the meeting to book a slot.


September 2024

(Details have been emailed out. You can also find the information you need in the new intake pack given to you at the New Parents Meeting)


Week 1


Part-time (Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th September)- AM / PM slots

  • An AM or PM slot has been allocated to you for the first two days. This is to help the children settle in on their first week with a smaller group of 15 children (details of which session your child will be attending have been emailed out to you).


Part-time (Friday 6th September)- ALL children will be in for the morning only.

  • Drop off time- 8.40am.
  • Pick up time- 12pm. 


Week 2

All children will be in full-time from Monday 9th September.

  • Drop off time- 8.40am
  • Pick up time- 3.10pm

Welcome Brochure (2024-25)

Meeting for New Reception Parents

The slides shared with parents on Wednesday 12th June 2024.


Virtual Tour of Reception

Reception Curriculum Offer