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Year Two's Weekly Blog

Year Two's Weekly Blog


Welcome to this week's Year Two Blog which keeps you up to date with what is going on in Year Two this week.


What we have been doing this week


We have been carrying on our work on 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Brown in literacy this week. The children have been building up to writing a diary as if they were the main character from the story. You can see an example of this in the photographs below.


In Maths we have been consolidating our work on multiplication and division. The children have revisited 'grouping' and 'sharing' and applying their knowledge of the multiplication tables to solve division calculations.


In our Adventure Afternoons we have continued to be 'Brilliant Scientists' this week. We have been carrying out an investigation into the favourite habitat of woodlice by planning and doing a fair test. We have also been investigating how animals are adapted to suit their environments.


What we are learning next week


Next week, as we are approaching the end of the year, we will be starting to carry out some of our end of year assessments. We do these in such a way to make as normal a part as possible of our usual school routine. We don't make a big deal out of them so as not to make children feeling anxious.


In our writing we will begin to write recounts.


In maths next week we will be revisiting doubling and halving as well as reading scales in steps of 2, 5 and 10.


In our adventure afternoons will be starting to be Brilliant Mechanics. The children will be designing and making their own vehicle to race in the 'Wacky Races'. We would appreciate all children bringing their own small box into school to create their vehicle ( a tissue box size would be ideal - please click here to find out more about this!)


Next week’s spellings:


Set A

(children doing RWI)

Set B

(children NOT doing RWI)














Wow Work


Take a look at the photos at the bottom of the page to see some of the super work that children have been doing this week. Also, please seen below to see which class has topped the Year Two Doodle chart this week and which class are the top readers - they have earned extra playtime!


Weekly Reads

(number of children reading 3 or more times a week)


 Extra playtime earned    




Extra playtime earned

11 9 11


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)




Extra playtime earned 
