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Year Two's First Blog

Welcome to Year Two


It has been lovely to welcome our new children into Year Two. They have settled in very well and we are looking forward to a super year ahead. Today has also been a sad day as we remember the life of Queen Elizabeth.


What we are learning next week


In our maths lessons we will begin by looking at the place value of numbers – that is, what each digit in a two digit number means and representing these numbers in different ways. Take a look at the place value knowledge organiser here.


In our Literacy lessons we will be looking closely at the traditional tale of 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. We will order key events and use this to help us write our own version of the story using super story vocabulary. Take a look at the knowledge organiser for this literacy  topic.


In our science lessons next week we will be learning about what humans need to survive. We will learn how different animals breathe and how humans and animals get their nutrition. Here's our science knowledge organiser.


In our art lessons we will be practicing drawing techniques such as cross hatching and shading using a range of different pencils. Here is our art knowledge organiser.


Next week in our PHSE lessons, the children will be discussing their roles and responsibilities in school and their hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.


In music, the children will continue to learnt the song ‘Tony Chestnut’, practising hand actions to accompany the song. We will learn about phrases in music and what recalls are. Here is our music knowledge organiser.


We will also begin to learn about the history of our school. It is particularly poignant subject as Upton Infant School opened in Guest Road in the same year as Queen Elizabeth II became our queen. We will be finding out about the history of the school from artefacts and other primary sources of evidence. Here is our history knowledge organiser. 


Have a lovely weekend everybody!