Welcome to Year Two's blog
Summer has finally arrived! It's certainly a warm one. It's good to see that most children are coming to school in a hat and wearing sun screen. Excitingly, the 'Maths Wizard' came to school today. She will be visiting every Friday. Your child will be coming home with a 'time tables' card and when they feel they know their multiplication facts, they can ask to visit the Maths Wizard who will check how fantastic they are and move them on to a new challenge.
What we have been doing this week
In maths this week, we have revisited measuring length. The children helped Puff the Magic Dragon the make a 'Little Jackie Paper' friend using their careful measuring, which they will bring home today.
In literacy, the children read 'Into the Forest', sequencing the story, and retelling it in their own words.
In science we looked at what living things need to survive, such as water, food and shelter. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In DT, we learned how to use a saw and bench hook correctly, and practiced cutting pieces of wood. We also learned different ways to create axels and wheels. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In history we began looking at primary and secondary sources of information to answer our questions about Mary Seacole. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
What we are learning next week
In maths we will be carrying out problem solving investigations each day, involving addition and subtraction. These will be fun puzzles in which children will have to apply their understanding to solve maths problems.
Mystery parcels have arrived in the Year Two classrooms! The children will try to work out where they have come from and who they belong to. This will inspire their writing for the week. We will be using our expanded noun phrases and brilliant range of punctuation to write character descriptions and diaries.
In science we will be planning an investigation to find out what the favourite habitat of a woodlouse is. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
Next week in history, the children will be learning about the key events in Mary Seacole's life. We will be plotting them on a timeline. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
We will also be having a spring clean afternoon, carrying out a bit of weeding, sweeping and tidying.
Here are next week's spellings:
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
We are focusing on these words containing the 'air' phoneme:
air fairy pair hare bare rare |
television treasure usual world worse worm
Wow Work
The Woodpeckers have done the double this week, topping the reading and Doodle Maths chart.
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers |
Foxes Extra playtime |
And please see below for some pictures of the fantastic DT learning the children have been doing this week, and some super writing too...
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