Welcome to Year Two
What we are learning next week
In Maths next week we will be looking at the properties of 3D shapes. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In our literacy lessons next week we will continue to read 'House Held Up By Trees' and we will be writing a report as if we have discovered this unique house. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In computer science next week the children will continue to add a voice recording to their work and learn how to add a video. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In geography next week the children will be using locational and directional language e.g. left, right, backwards, forwards, near and far. They will also be using a compass to find North, East, South and West. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In our design and technology lessons the children we will evaluate their sandwich and the skills they have learnt. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Foxes Extra playtime |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Have a lovely weekend!
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