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Year One's Blog 3rd December

Welcome to Year One's blog. 


As of Monday we will start filming our Christmas play, please can all costumes be in by Monday morning. If there are any issues or questions please let us know and will be do the best we can to help. 


What we have been doing this week


This week in literacy we have extended sentences using 'and'. The children wrote some fantastic sentences based on 'Stick Man'.


In maths, we have been recapping everything we have learnt so far in Year One. We have also explored numbers to 20 and represented it in lots of different ways. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.


This week we have been extremely busy rehearsing for our Christmas Play and we have continued to be 'brilliant artists'. 


What we are learning next week


Next week in literacy, we will be writing a letter to Santa to persuade him to put our new friend called Holly onto the nice list. 


In maths, we will be focusing on numbers to 20. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.


Next week we are going to film the Christmas Play, remember to keep practising your lines! 


Wow Work


WOW Frogs! You have earned yourselves 2 extra play times this week because of your brilliant Doodle Maths score and reading score. Well done Frogs!


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)




Extra playtime













Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




  Extra playtime





