Welcome to this week's Year One Blog
What we have been learning this week:
This week in literacy the children have been introduced to their story 'I want my hat back'. We have created our own questions to find out more about the different characters in the text. We have also practised using these questions in speech and thought bubbles for the different characters.
This week in Maths we have been continuing with addition using tens fames and counters. We have also used a number line to add our numbers within 10 by counting forwards. We have also recapped our number bonds to 10.
We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.
In History this week we started looking at the Gunpowder plot and the chronology of other historical events over time. The children then created their own timelines using these events.
In Science this week we have learnt the different parts of the human body. We have labelled these using our key vocabulary.
In Art this week we have been introduced to graphite pencil and have experimented with this material to create different patterns and a gradient. The children have also learnt about Leonardo Da Vinci.
What we are learning next week
In Maths, we are going to begin subtraction using concrete manipulatives. This will include using tens frames and counters and also pictorial representations using the crossing out method.
In Literacy, we are going to continue with 'I want my hat back'. We are going to write a letter to the Bear in the story and are beginning to adapt the story to retell their own version.
In History, the children will be learning about the key events in the Gunpowder Plot and asking and answering questions about this.
In Art, the children will be using charcoal to create different lines and patterns.
In Science, the children will be exploring their senses and will go on a sense treasure hunt around the school.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Frogs Extra playtime |
Otters Extra playtime |
Doodle Maths Stars
Frogs Extra playtime |
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