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Year One Blog 1st July

Welcome to this week's Year One Blog


What we have been learning this week


This week in literacy we have written a newspaper report about the Big Bad Wolf. The children wrote with independence and they wrote a series of detailed sentences. Our Year 1 children are certainly proving to us that they are Year 2 ready!


In maths we learnt about money and we are now able to recognise coins and notes.  


Brilliant Scientists

This week we went on our school trip to the Sea Life Centre. The children learnt about different sea creatures and their different habitats. 


Brilliant Designers

The children continued to weave using different fabrics to make a summer pattern!



What we are learning next week


In literacy we are going to continue to look at the story 'Little Red' and we are going to learn how to write similes so we can describe the forest in our story.


In maths we are going to learn the days of the week, months of the year and be able to tell the time to the hour.


Brilliant Scientists

This week we are going to look at what different animals eat. We are going to learn about omnivores, herbivores and carnivores. 


Brilliant Designers

The children will continue to weave using different fabrics to make a summer pattern!


Towards the end of the week, the children will be spending time in Year 2 completing different activities with their new teacher. 


The Frogs have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts collecting Doodle Maths Stars, Well done Frogs!


The Frogs have another extra play this week for their amazing efforts reading this week, Well done Frogs!



Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)




extra play













Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




    extra play 
