Welcome to this week's Year Two blog.
What we have been doing this week
This week, the children have completed writing about Beegu, the little alien, writing their own stories about her landing in Upton.
In maths, the children have continued to learn about place value, thinking about the different ways that 2-digit numbers can be partitioned into groups of tens and ones. They have also been comparing and ordering numbers, using the greater than and less than symbols.
In science, the children have carried out investigations into how germs spread and the most effective ways to clean hands.
What we are learning next week
Next week we will be looking at non-fiction texts in our literacy lessons, learning through the context of castles.
In maths, we will be focusing on number bonds - pairs of numbers that add together to make another number. We will use the part-whole model to help with this, and look at fact families (the 2 addition and 2 subtraction calculations in the same family, e.g. 3+4=7 / 4+3 = 7 / 7-4=3 / 7-3 =4).
Wow Work
Take a look at some of the pictures below where you will see some if the fantastic learning the children have been doing this week. This week, Woodpeckers have stormed the Doodle maths chart which means they have earned extra play time again! Well done Woodpeckers!
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
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