Welcome to Year Two's blog
What we have been doing this week
It has been an excited week in Year Two. Besides the usual lessons, children have been sewing, making pancakes and dressing up for World Book Day. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves, learning about 'herbology', 'potion class' and 'Quidditch'.
In maths this week we have been looking at the properties of 2D shapes, includes the names, number of sides, vertices and lines of symmetry. Here's our knowledge planner for this topic.
In our literacy lessons, the children learnt about instructions - they made pancakes on Shrove Tuesday and wrote instructions for how to make them. Here's the information sheet for this topic.
We began our Design and Technology topic this week. Children investigated different methods of joining fabric, and learned how to sew using a running stitch. They practiced sewing which they will continue to do next week. Here's the knowledge organiser for this topic.
What we are learning next week
Next week in maths we will be continuing to look at shape, but looking at the features of 3D shapes, including the number of faces, edges and vertices. Here's our knowledge planner for this topic.
In Design and Technology we will continue to practice our sewing skills. We will practice using the running stitch to join two pieces of fabric together before designing and creating out own wallets and purses. Here's the knowledge organiser for this topic.
In our writing this week we will be using The Great Fire of London as a focus for our writing. The children will be exploring this using drama and learning about Samuel Pepys. They will be writing their own diaries, using the correct tense. Here's the information sheet for this topic.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
We are focusing on the 'aw' and 'or' graphemes
fort porch horn dawn straw prawn
Words containing the 'al' grapheme making the 'l' sound
metal pedal capital hospital animal oval
Wow Work
Well, it's a historical day because the Woodpecker's unbroken run at the top of the Doodle Maths table has been broken by the Squirrels, who have earned extra playtime. The Woodpeckers have the most children who have 3 times this week and so have earned 5 minutes extra play.
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Foxes |
Squirrels Extra playtime |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Foxes |
Squirrels |
Also, please take a look at the photos below to see what fantastic things the children have been up to this week.
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