Welcome to this week's Year Two blog.
What we have been doing this week
It has been another busy week this week, but thankfully we have completed our end of year assessments! As part of this, the children have been writing about their recent Animal Fun Day and completing some rather posh maths booklets!
More excitingly, the children have been continuing their work as Brilliant Mechanics, exploring the best ways to attach wheels to chassis and creating their plans for their own vehicles for out wacky races.
What we are learning next week
Next week we will be looking at measuring length in maths, exploring how to estimate and measure accurately in cm and m using tape measures, rules and trundle wheels.
In our writing lessons we are going to start thinking about the story for our End of Year production. The children begin to retell this story in their own words.
We will making our vehicles for the 'Wacky Races'. We hope to be able to race the vehicles by the end of the week - we will post a video of it when we do!
Next week’s spellings:
Set A (children doing RWI) |
Set B (children NOT doing RWI) |
out | station |
about | fiction |
shout | motion |
brown | nation |
town | section |
crown | commotion |
Wow Work
Yet again, the Squirrels have topped the reading chart for having the most children who have been reading three times a week, while the Foxes topped the Doodle maths chart. Both classes earn extra playtime.
Weekly Reads (number of children reading 3 or more times a week) |
Squirrels Extra playtime |
9 | 10 | 11 |
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers |
Foxes Extra playtime |
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