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Year Two's Blog - 27th May

Welcome to Year Two's blog


What a lovely day we have had! The children looked fantastic in their red, white and blue colours. They enjoyed a lovely picnic at 'The Rec' with our Upton Junior School friends, entertained by the Junior School's  fantastic band. Today, the children also came home with their special commemorative Jubilee book.


What we have been doing this week


In maths, we have been consolidating learning from across the whole maths curriculum and completing SATs assessments.


In literacy, the children completed their work on  'House Held Up By Trees' and wrote an estate agent's report to sell the house. 


We completed our science topic on plants this week. We finished our investigation into what plants need to grow well. We discovered that plants grown in the cold or dry did not grow as well, but the ones in the dark grew much taller, although they were not a healthy green colour.  Read the science knowledge organiser here.


In geography compared the weather in India and the UK, and learned about the monsoon season. Read the geography knowledge organiser here.


In art the children completed their clay models which they will be bringing home shortly.


What we are learning next week


In maths we will be learning about position and direction. The children will follow and give instructions using language such as clockwise, anticlockwise, left, right, quarter turn etc.


In literacy, the children will be exploring ideas in our writing through drama. We will be imagining that we are the character from our new book 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne. We will be writing letters and a setting description, using all the amazing words generated from our drama.


In science we will begin learning about living things in their habitats. We will begin by looking at the differences between living and non-living things, exploring the characteristics of living things through the story of 'Mrs Gren'. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In DT, we will be learning how to design, make and evaluate our own wheeled vehicles. We will begin by exploring the component parts of a vehicle, such as the chassis, body, axels and wheels. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In history we will learn about Mary Seacole. Mary was a Jamaican-British nurse who set up the 'British Hotel' to treat soldiers during the Crimean War. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


As we have had a rather busy week which has resulted in some of our phonics lessons being cut a little short, we are carrying over our spellings for another week as we have not had time to adequately teach them. 


Next week's spellings

Set A

(for children doing RWI)

Set B

(for children not doing RWI)

We are focusing on these

topic words:









We will be focusing on using

the 'ey' grapheme makin

the 'ee' sound









Wow Work


The Woodpeckers have topped the Doodle chart yet again! Well done! Well done to the Squirrels who are the top class once again  this week for the number of children reading 3 times or more.


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


Extra playtime












Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




Extra playtime   

              16    4     







There has been some fantastic work across the curriculum this week. Take a look at the photos below!