Welcome to Year Two's blog
What we have been doing this week
It's been a busy old week. We have been working with a skeleton staff with so many of our staff being unwell. So thank you for bearing with us through this tricky week! Also, Miss Hector had a bit of a fright this morning when a mystery visitor surprised her in her classroom (see pictures below!).
This week in maths we continued learning about fractions. We learned about thirds, unit and non-unit fractions. Here's our fractions Knowledge Organiser.
We continued learning about the Great Fire of London in our history topic. We looked at different sources of evidence (primary and secondary). Take a look at the Knowledge Organiser here.
In writing, the children continued to write information texts, focusing on including adjectives, possessive apostrophes and conjunctions. Today the children wrote letters imaging they had lived through the time of the Great Fire of London. They did a fantastic job, and we have been delighted with their work. You can see some of their pieces in the photos below. Here's the information sheet for this topic.
What we are learning next week
Next week in maths we will be completing some end of term assessments as well as completing our work on fractions. Here's our fractions Knowledge Organiser.
Next week in history, the children will be continuing their learning about the Great Fire of London. They will learn how it fits chronologically on a timeline with other historic events before creating their own timeline. They will make comparisons between 17th century London and London today and discuss how things have changed for the better! We will focus on changes in houses and the fire service. Take a look at the Knowledge Organiser here.
In their writing next week, the children will be reading and writing poetry. They will have the chance to explore a wide range of poetry, performing poems they have learned to the class, and writing their own. Here's the information sheet for this topic.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
We are focusing on the 'ure' phoneme
sure pure azure cure lured secure
Words where the root word has been changed to add the 's' suffix.
flies tries replies copies babies carries
Wow Work
The Woodpeckers are back to the top of the Doodle Chart, once again with Eric being the top Doodler. Once again, they have gone and done the double this week, with 15 children reading 3 times a week. When children read three times a week, they are entered into the 'Reading Raffle', with one child per class winning a prize for the Reading Raffle Shop.
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Foxes |
Squirrels |
Take a look at the photos below to see what the children have been up to this week.
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