Welcome to this week's Year Two blog.
Happy Friday! And time for a well earned break...
What we have been doing this week
The children have had a busy time this week. We have completed our literacy work on writing information texts about castles. The children finished this by showing off their writing skills in our 'Superhero Write', where they wrote a recount of their castle fun day.
In maths we have been carrying out assessments and continuing to work on addition strategies, adding two 2-digit numbers.
We have begun to be 'brilliant artists' this week. The children have been practicing sketching techniques which they will continue after half term.
What we are learning after the half term break
Next week in literacy, we will be reading the story of 'Bear and the Piano'. The children will be using this as inspiration for their writing, and we will be developing their skills of writing using conjunction and introducing contracted forms of words.
In maths, we will be building on our addition and subtraction work, by using Base Ten (Dienes) equipment to add and subtract 2-digit numbers.
We will continue our art topic, practicing different drawing skills to produce our own life drawings.
Please see next week's spellings below. Set A are common exception words (known as 'tricky words'). Set B are compound words, which children be learning about in their phonics sessions.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
Tricky words:
are of pull full push put |
see sea mail male be bee flour flower
(please help children to practice the words in a sentence) |
Wow Work
Once again, we have had some fantastic learning across the curriculum. Some children who are always trying their best have been having a hot chocolate with Mr Churchill on a Friday.
The Woodpeckers continue to storm further up the Doodle Maths chart, with a whopping 931 stars, (WOW!) earning themselves yet another extra play! A special mention must go to Eric and Tiffany who, between the two of them, have helped to secure the Woodpeckers extra play week on week. Fantastic work!
The Foxes have earned extra playtime for having the most children who have read three times this week. Good work!
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Foxes |
Squirrels |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers |
Foxes Extra playtime |
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