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Year Two's Blog - 10th June

Welcome to Year Two's blog


Welcome to the final half term! This is going to be a busy one too - we will be sending out a timetable shortly so you know what's going on when...


What we have been doing this week


This week maths we learnt about position and direction. The children were following and giving each other instructions using language such as clockwise, anticlockwise, left, right, quarter turn etc.


In literacy, the children explored the story 'Into the Forest' by Anthony Browne using drama. We imagined that we were the character from the book and wrote letters and a setting description, using all the amazing words we had generated from the drama.


In science we began learning about living things in their habitats. We will begin by looking at the differences between living and non-living things, exploring the characteristics of living things through the story of 'Mrs Gren', each letter of her name standing for one of the characteristics. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In DT, we began to explore the component parts of a vehicle, such as the chassis, body, axels and wheels. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In history we began learning about Mary Seacole. Mary was a Jamaican-British nurse who set up the 'British Hotel' to treat soldiers during the Crimean War. You can read the knowledge organiser here.

What we are learning next week


In maths we will be consolidating our previous learning on measuring length. The children will be helping Puff the Magic Dragon the make a 'Little Jackie Paper' friend out of paper strips using their careful measuring.


In literacy, the children will be reading 'Into the Forest' and sequencing the story, leading to them retelling it in their own words.


In science we will be looking at what living things need to survive, such as water, food and shelter. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In DT, we will be starting to look at how to make a strong chassis by learning how to make strong corner joints. We will also learn different ways to create axels and wheels. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


Next week in history we will be looking at primary and secondary sources to answer our questions about Mary Seacole. You can read the knowledge organiser here. 


Here are next week's spellings:

Next week's spellings

Set A

(for children doing RWI)

Set B

(for children not doing RWI)

We are focusing on these

words containing the 'or' phoneme:








We will be focusing on words containing the 'ar' grapheme making

the 'or' sound:









Wow Work


The Woodpeckers have topped the Doodle chart and earned some extra playtime.

But it's been a disappointing week of  reading, so the Foxes have managed to earn extra playtime with just 11 children having read the expected amount this week.


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


Extra playtime












Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)



Extra playtime   










And please see below for some of the writing from the Squirrels this week...