Welcome to Year Two
What we are learning next week
In Maths next week, we will be subtracting across 10 by using tens frames and number lines. We will also learn how to add 3 1-digit numbers. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In our literacy lessons next week we will continue to look at facts about wolves and different non-fiction texts. We will use this information to plan a non-chronological report (as a leaflet) about wolves. You can read the knowledge organiser here.
In science next week we will be learning about the importance of exercise and how it affects breathing and heart rate. You can see more on our knowledge organiser.
In history next week we will be comparing the past and present. The children will sort and compare items from 1952 with items from today. You can see the knowledge organiser here.
NNext week in art, the children will continue to learn how to draw objects from different angles/perspectives. You can see more on our knowledge organiser.
Next week in Jigsaw, the children will be learning how to create a happy and safe classroom to learn in. We will continue speaking about rewards and consequences.
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
We will be introducing spelling checks this week. Children will receive either a Set A or Set B spelling list. Set A is a list of spellings for children who are currently doing Read, Write Inc and Set B is for children who do Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling lessons. These lists will be slipped into the red spelling books and sent home every Friday. The children will be tested on the words the following week, on a Friday morning. Please do not write in the red books at home.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
We are focusing on
by my one there some come
We will be focusing on
sunniest plentiful happiness snowiest grumpiness
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