Welcome to Year Two
What we are learning next week
In Maths next week we will be dividing by sharing and grouping and using our multiplication facts to support this.
In our literacy lessons we will be writing speech bubbles and learning to use the suffix -er and -est to compare. We will use these skills to retell a story.
In science next week we will be carrying out an investigation to compare the properties of different materials. We will introduce key vocabulary such as absorbent, waterproof, transparent and permeable.
In history we will be order the Great Fire of London onto a time line.
In art we will be using mixing paint and add black and white to change the one of the colour.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
player way three sheet night light
knock know knee gnat gnaw gnome
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