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Year Two Blog - 20th May

Welcome to Year Two's blog


As it is that time of year, the children have been completing some of the statutory assessment tests (SATs) this week. We try to make these as much a part as normal school life as we can and downplay them. They serve to back up the ongoing assessments which take place throughout the year. This will be completed next week.


We will be sending information home soon about our exciting Year Two water sports trip at the end of next half term.


What we have been doing this week


In maths, we used balances and scales to measure and compare mass in grams and kilograms. We also measured and compared capacity in ml and litres. You can see the knowledge organiser here.


Out writing was based around 'House Held Up By Trees'. We looked at seed packets and wrote instructions for how to plant and grown them. We also recapped adverbs, conjunctions and wrote a newspaper report. We also began to generate some super technical and story language. You can read the topic sheet here


We continued our science topic on plants this week. This week we planned and carried out an investigation into how to help plants grow well, which we will continue next week. Read the science knowledge organiser here.


In geography the children learned the human features of India and created a poster of India's human and physical features. Read the geography knowledge organiser here.


In art the children planned and designed their clay sculptures of themselves in preparation for their final pieces.


What we are learning next week


In our last week of the half term we will be completing our SATs and finishing with our joint Jubilee Picnic at Upton Rec.


In maths we will be completing the maths SATs assessments and consolidating previous learning.


In literacy, the children will be completing their work on  'House Held Up By Trees' and they will be writing an estate agent's report to sell the house. 


In science next week we will be checking how well the seeds have grown that we planted last week. We will be drawing conclusions from our investigation to work out what plants need to grow well. Read the science knowledge organiser here.


In geography next week, the children will look at India's weather and climate and make comparisons between the UK's weather and India's weather over different months of the year.  Read the geography knowledge organiser here.


In art next week, the children will be creating their final clay sculptures of human bodies using all of the techniques covered this term such as slip, score, blend and join. 


Next week's spellings

Set A

(for children doing RWI)

Set B

(for children not doing RWI)

We are focusing on these

topic words:









We will be focusing on using

the 'ey' grapheme makin

the 'ee' sound









Wow Work


The Woodpeckers have topped the Doodle chart yet again! Well done! Well done to the Squirrels who were the top class this week for the number of children reading 3 times or more.


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


Extra playtime












Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




Extra playtime   








Take a look at the photos below to see what the children have been up to this week.