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Year Two Blog - 1st July

Welcome to Year Two's blog


Welcome to our blog! The children are having a fun animal themed day today at school, including creating creatures out of junk modelling.


This is what we have been up to this week...


What we have been doing this week


In maths we carried out problem solving, focusing on multiplication and division. The children will had to apply their understanding to solve these fun and challenging maths problems.


In literacy we continued  to use prepositions in our writing, which tell us where something is or when it happened. We wrote a log book, postcards and developing ideas for our final writing piece.


In science we carried out an investigation to find out what was the favourite habitat of woodlice. The children collected woodlice and set up a 'woodlouse hotel'. The woodlice could then choose which microhabitat they wanted to go into. We will find out soon what they chose! You can read the knowledge organiser here.


In history, the children created a fact file to showcase all that they have learned so far about Mary Seacole. You can read the knowledge organiser here. 


In DT, we learned techniques to join wood, creating strong joints. We drew on our knowledge so far to design vehicles ready for our 'Wacky Races'. The children are now read to create their own vehicles next week! You can read the knowledge organiser here.


What we are learning next week


Next week, the children will be spending Thursday and Friday at Upton Junior school for transition activities. But we will be cramming lots of fun into Monday, Tuesday and Thursday!


We have a bit of different week of activities next week.

Each class will be having a DT day where they create their vehicles. They will be following their plans, applying their skills of sawing, joining and measuring to create a chassis for their vehicle. They will then create bodies to attach to the chassis.


In literacy next week, we will be describing our own fantasy settings. We will use these settings to write our own stories based on Ocean Meets Sky.


In science we will be completing our investigations to find out what is the favourite habitat of a woodlouse. You can read the knowledge organiser here.


Next week in history we are learning about hospitals from the 1800s. We will be looking at how they have changed over time. You can read the knowledge organiser here. 


There will be no new spelling to learn next week.

Wow Work


The Woodpeckers have again done the double this week, topping the reading and Doodle Maths chart.


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


Extra playtime












Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)


Extra playtime 




Extra playtime 








Finally, lease see below for some pictures of the fabulous learning that has taken place this week...