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Year One's Blog 4th February 2022

Welcome to this week's Year One blog. 


What we have been doing this week


This week in literacy, the children have been adapting the story 'How to Catch a Star' using learnt nouns and plurals. They came up with silly sentences to create their own story.


In maths, we have learnt how to subtract numbers within 20 using a number line and the crossing out method. We have also been looking at fact families. 


This week we have been brilliant mechanics and designed, created and evaluated our very own moving picture. 


What we are learning next week


Next week in literacy we will be showing off the skills we have learnt so far in Year One. The children will continue to recap and adapt the story 'How to Catch a Star'.


In maths, we will be introducing place value within 50. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser


In Art next week we are being brilliant sculptors and we will be practising different techniques and skills e.g. joining.


Wow Work


At the bottom of the page you will be able to see the fantastic work the children have produced this week. Well done Year One!


The Otters have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts reading, well done Otters!


The Ducks have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts collecting Doodle Maths Stars, Well done Ducks!


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)





 Extra playtime 










Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)


Extra playtime


