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Year One's Blog 20th May

Welcome to this week's Year One Blog


What we have been learning this week


This week in literacy, we have been looking at the -un prefix and using this to create statements about the rainforest. 


In maths the children have learnt about fractions. They have learnt how to find half of a shape and a quantity. Please see the knowledge organiser.


Brilliant Scientists

In science this week we have learnt about deciduous and evergreen trees. We compared trees by considering their features e.g. deciduous trees usually have flat, bumpy leaves.


Brilliant Computer Scientists

The children continued to debug simple instructions. They continued to learn positional language e.g. backwards, forwards, left and right.


Brilliant Geographers

The children continued to look at human and physical features in the Kenya and they discussed the similarities and differences to the UK.


What we are learning next week


In literacy we will be writing a letter to a chocolate company explaining why they need to stop using palm oil in their chocolate. This will be their superhero write!


In maths, we will be learning how to find a quarter of a shape and a quantity using concrete and pictorial resources.  Please see the knowledge organiser.


Brilliant Scientists

.This week we are going to be sorting plants into different groups e.g. fruit plants, wild plants and garden plants. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.


Brilliant Computer Scientists

We are going to continue to debug simple instructions and we will evaluate each others map based on how successful and clear the directions were. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.


Brilliant Geographers

This week we are going to look at Africa's climate and weather. We will know how and why the weather differs in the UK.


Wow Work


At the bottom of the page you will be able to see the fantastic work the children have produced this week. Well done Year One!


The Frogs have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts collecting Doodle Maths Stars, Well done Frogs!


The Frogs have another extra play this week for their amazing efforts reading this week, Well done Frogs!



Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)




extra play













Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




  extra play    
