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Year One's Blog 18th March

Welcome to this week's Year One Blog


What we have been learning this week


This week in literacy, the children have been learning the traditional tale 'The Enormous Turnip'. They have learnt how to add -er and -est to root words and they have learnt how to write extended sentences using 'and' or 'because'. 


In maths, we have been learning about height and length. The children were able to use language such as shorter, longer and taller to describe and compare objects. They have been measuring objects using cubes and rulers! Please see the knowledge and skills organiser


This week we have been brilliant scientists and we have learnt all the main external parts of the human body. Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.


What we are learning next week


In literacy we will continue to retell and write the story 'The Enormous Turnip' and we will be applying all of the skills we have learnt so far. We are so proud of the children's writing.


In maths, we will be looking at weight and mass. We will be using comparative language such as lighter and heavier and we will be using cubes to measure objects.  Please see the knowledge and skills organiser.

We are continuing to be brilliant scientists! The children are going to be be learning about their 5 senses. They will be completing investigations and they will record their findings. 


Wow Work


The Otters have a 2 extra plays this week for their amazing efforts collecting Doodle Maths Stars and their reading, Well done Otters!



Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)







Extra play!









Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)







Extra play!