Welcome to this week's Year One Blog
What we have been learning this week
This week in literacy, we have continued to read 'The Clockwork Dragon' and we have written a diary from Max's perspective from the story. We were all extremely proud of the children's creativity!
In maths we have been representing and comparing numbers to 100.
Brilliant Scientists
In science this week we have been learning about animals and habitats. The children have put different animals into groups e.g. fish, reptiles, amphibians, insects, mammals and birds.
Brilliant Chefs
The children have learnt about fruit and the different areas of the world they come from.
Brilliant Designers
The children have learnt how to weave by creating their own loom and weaving different colours of paper to create patterns.
What we are learning next week
In literacy we are going to learn how to write exclamation sentences and use this to plan and write our superhero write. The children will be writing a newspaper article about Flamethrottle the Dragon in Upton!
In maths we are going to continue looking at numbers to 100. The children are going to find one more and one less than a number.
Brilliant Scientists
In science this week the children are going to continue to group animals based on their structure.
Brilliant Chefs
The children will be selecting fruit for a fruit salad. They will be trying different fruits and we will be challenging the children to see if they can guess the fruit.
Brilliant Designers
The children will be using their knowledge from last week of making a paper loom to learn how to make a loom using string/wool.
Wow Work
At the bottom of the page you will be able to see the fantastic work the children have produced this week. Well done Year One!
The Frogs have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts collecting Doodle Maths Stars, Well done Frogs!
The Frogs have another extra play this week for their amazing efforts reading this week, Well done Frogs!
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Frogs extra play |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Frogs extra play |
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