Welcome to this week's Year One Blog
What we have been learning this week
This week in Literacy the children completed their first piece of independent writing based on our book 'Astro Girl'. They wrote a letter to inform her all about space.
This week in Maths we have been learning how to use the add symbol and have used our part-part whole models to help us to complete our addition. We have also been using fact families to represent addition.
We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.
In Geography this week we have been constructing our own map of the classroom. In DT we have been designing our own fruit salad. Feel free to practise any chopping skills as the children will be making their own fruit salad next week.
What we are learning next week
In Maths, we are going to learn our number bonds to 10 and we are going to compare number bonds using our resources. Don't forget to keep up with your Doodle Maths at home!
In Literacy, we are going to look at a new book called 'A Cloudy Lesson'. The children will be using this book to write a set of instructions.
In Guided Reading, we are going to be retrieving information from the text 'Rocket says look up'.
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Otters Extra playtime |
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