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Year One Blog 9th June

What we will be learning next week:


This week the children will be completing their phonics check.


Next week in Literacy we will be introducing the children to the story the Clockwork Dragon. We will be identifying the ing suffix and using conjunctions to extend sentences.


Next week in Maths we will be continuing time. Any help at home would be fantastic - please focus on reading clocks to o'clock and half past.


We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.



In History we will be using primary and secondary sources to learn about monarchs past and present. 


In Science this we will be exploring different types of plants and leaves in our environment, considering their different characteristics.


In Art this week we will be mixing secondary colours and using these to paint a fruit bowl.


Next week the children will be completing the statutory Phonics Screening. Please make sure that you are listening to your child read at least 3 times a week and have looked at the alternative sounds in the phonics pack. If you have lost the pack please see your class teacher for a new one as this is the last push and the children must get at least 32/40 to pass.



Have a great weekend everyone!



Doodle Maths Stars





Extra playtime














Extra playtime








