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Year One Blog 5th November

Welcome to this week's Year One blog. 


Happy Friday! 


What we have been doing this week


The children have had a fantastic first week back! We have been looking at the story 'Fluff and Billy' and we have been learning all about penguins. Now that we are experts, we have created posters about what penguins like to do e.g. slashing, swimming and climbing.


In maths we have learnt how to subtract. We have applied this knowledge in lots of different ways e.g. using a tens frame. We now know that when we take away the amount gets smaller/less!


We have begun to be 'brilliant scientists' this week. The children have been learning about different materials. We are now able to name objects around the classroom and say what material it is made from and even describe its properties e.g. a window is made from glass and it is fragile. I wonder what objects you could describe that are in your home!


What we are learning next week


Next week in literacy, we will be reading the story 'Lost and Found'. The children will be using this as inspiration for their writing, and we will be developing their skills of writing using capital letters and the suffix -ed. 


In maths, we will be building on our subtraction work by using a number line to count backwards. We will also be using our knowledge to solve maths problems.


Next week we will continue to be 'brilliant scientists'. We are going to be finding the best materials to make some new clothes and props for 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. 


Wow Work


Once again, we have had some fantastic learning across the curriculum. Some children who are always trying their best have been having a hot chocolate with Mr Churchill on a Friday.


This week Frogs are the winner with a whopping 145 stars, earning themselves an extra play. Well done Frogs!


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)



 Extra playtime 
