Welcome to this week's Year One Blog
What we have been learning this week:
This week in literacy we have completed our independent write which was an informative letter to the chocolate company 'Kinder'. They told the company to stop using palm oil as it is harming the rainforest.
This week in Maths we have measured mass, volume and capacity. We have used different containers to measure this.
We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.
In History this week we have learnt about transport, school and toys from the past and compared these to the present.
In art this week we have created our own clay tiles. We will be painting these in the first week back after Easter.
We have noticed that not all of the children are reading three times a week or more. Sadly, there are some children that are reading 0 times a week. Please make sure that you are reading with your child as much as possible to support their reading progress.
Please see your email with details regarding our trip to the Science museum next term.
Have a great Easter everyone and we will see you on Monday 17th April!
Doodle Maths Stars
Ducks Extra playtime |
Ducks Extra playtime |
Frogs Extra playtime |
Otters Extra playtime |
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