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Year One Blog 28th January 2022

Welcome to this week's Year One blog. 


What we have been doing this week


This week in literacy, the children have been learning what a noun is and how to add the suffixes s and es to make these plural. They have began to use this to write sentences linked to their story 'How to Catch a Star'. 


In maths, we have continued with our addition of numbers within 20 and have focused on using number bonds to 20 and adding by making 10. We have done this with both tens frames and part-part whole models.


This week we have been brilliant mechanics and we have been looking at a variety of moving pictures. We have learnt how to make both sliders and levers and will be using these skills next week to make our own moving pictures.


What we are learning next week


Next week in literacy we will be focusing on using capital letters in our writing. We will apply our knowledge of making nouns plural in our writing as we come up with different ways the boy from the story could catch a star.


In maths, we will be introducing subtraction within 20 and applying our knowledge of addition to use related facts. We will use tens frames and number lines to complete our subtractions and begin to problem solve.


In Design and Technology next week we will be designing and making our own moving pictures using our skills to creating levers and sliders. We will then be evaluating our moving pictures. You can find out more by looking at our Knowledge Organiser


Wow Work


At the bottom of the page you will be able to see the fantastic work the children have produced this week. Well done Year One!


The Otters have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts on Doodle Maths, well done Otters!


The Frogs have an extra play this week for their amazing efforts reading, Well done Frogs!


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


 Extra playtime 












Weekly Reads

(How many children in the class have read 3 times)




Extra playtime 
