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Year One Blog 28th April



What we have been learning this week:


This week in literacy we have edited our work using purple pens. We have also learnt facts about penguins and have shown our knowledge by writing a non-chronological report.


This week in Maths we have continued multiplication. We have made arrays using counters and we have also made doubles.


We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.



In Geography we have learnt about the location of Upton compared to London. We have explored rural and urban areas and have looked at the characteristics of both.


In DT we have been practising weaving using paper. The children have created a paper loom and have weaved different colours of paper into it to make a placement.


In Science this week we have explored the different types of animals and have grouped animals into these types based on their characteristics.


We have noticed that not all of the children are reading three times a week or more. Sadly, there are some children that are reading 0 times a week. Please make sure that you are reading with your child as much as possible to support their reading progress. 


On Thursday we have our trip to the Science Museum. Please send the children into school in school uniform and they will need a packed lunch and water bottle.


Have a great weekend everyone!



Doodle Maths Stars





Extra playtime


















Extra playtime
