What we will be learning next week:
In Literacy, the children will hunt for clues to find out what happened to Beegu and segment to spell words to be used in their writing this week. They will write a newspaper report to recall what has happened using their descriptions of Beegu.
In Maths, the children will be introduced to mass. They will compare mass using 'heavier' and 'lighter' and they will measure mass using cubes and a pan balance.
In Science, the children will be exploring their 5 senses and learning the associated body part that goes with each. They will be investigating the 5 senses.
In Art, the children will be practising different drawing techniques including cross-hatching, smudging and shading.
On Thursday it will be World Book Day. The theme for Year One is Winnie the Witch. Please send your child into school wearing an appropriate magical costume.
Have a lovely weekend!
Otters Extra playtime |
64% |
Doodle Maths Stars
Ducks Extra playtime
1238 |
147 |
295 |
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