What we will be learning next week:
In Literacy, the children will be introduced to the story 'Supertato' and they will be writing a missing poster to try and find the Evil Pea. They will be using adjectives to describe him and the prefix 'un'.
In Guided Reading, the children will be reading the story 'Send for a Superhero' and will be thinking about why Vacuum and Filth are the villains in the story.
In Maths, the children will be partitioning their numbers within 20 using dienes and they will also be finding one more and one less than a number to 20.
In Art, the children will use clay to practise their slip, score and blend techniques.
In History, the children will be learning about the key people that were involved in the Gunpowder Plot. They will learn the role of each of these key individuals and complete a matching activity to show their understanding.
In Science, the children will be thinking about the best material to be used as a crash mat for Humpty Dumpty. We will test the different materials and the children will predict which material would be best.
Next week, the children will be going home with their lines for the Xmas performance. Please ensure that you are learning these lines with your child.
Just to confirm, PE days are now Wednesday and Thursday.
Otters Extra Playtime |
48% |
Doodle Maths Stars
Otters Extra Playtime |
427 |
85 |
666 |
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