This week the children will be practising their
What we will be learning next week:
In Literacy, the children will be continuing to look at the story 'I Want My Hat Back' and they will write a sequel to consider where the Rabbit may have gone next.
In Guided Reading, the children will be reading the story 'Supertato' and will be thinking about why the Evil Pea is the villain in the story.
In Maths, the children will be writing numbers as words and they will be introduced to numbers within 20. They will count to 20 using a number track and will build their numbers using numicon and tens frames.
In Art, the children will use clay to practise their kneading, coiling and rolling techniques.
In History, the children will be learning about the events of the Gunpowder Plot and making their own timeline of the events that happened.
In Science, the children will be grouping materials by their properties and sorting them.
Have a great weekend!
Ducks Extra playtime |
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Doodle Maths Stars
Ducks Extra playtime |
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