Welcome to Year Two's blog
What we have been doing this week
In maths we have been learning about division. We have been dividing by 2 and using this to explore odd and even numbers. We also used our 5 and 10 x facts to help us divide. Here's our knowledge organiser for this topic.
In literacy, we continued reading George's Marvellous Medicine. (Take a look at the overview here.) We wrote our own character descriptions using expanded noun phrases to describe, and conjunctions to extend our sentences. You can hear the George's Marvellous Medicine being read by Rik Mayall here.
We continued our Geography learning this week. We compared the different continents and researched to find out more. Find out more in our knowledge organiser here.
What we are learning next week
In maths we will be learning about statistics. We will be creating tally charts, pictograms and block diagrams and answering questions about them. We will carrying out a traffic survey are displaying the data as a pictogram. Here's our knowledge organiser.
In our writing we be applying the skills that they have learnt this half term in our first superhero write of 2022. (Take a look at the overview here.) The children will be writing a character description of another grandma, but this time she is much nicer. Her name is Grandma Bird and this is also the name of our new text. You can watch the author read it here.
We will be starting two weeks of art next week. The children will be looking at different painting techniques including stippling and blocking and creating colour wheels. They will learn about brilliant artists such as David Hockney and William Turner.
Next week's spellings |
Set A (for children doing RWI) |
Set B (for children not doing RWI) |
We are recapping our set 2 sounds for spelling:
low snow look zoom food good |
Words containing the 'wr' grapheme making the 'r' sound
write written wrote wrong wrap wren |
Wow Work
It was great to see some children who previously hadn't read 3 times a week proud to tell their teachers that they had read 3 times this week. The Woodpeckers have done the double again this week, topping both the maths and reading chart.
Doodle Maths Stars (total number of Doodle stars earned per class) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Foxes |
Squirrels |
Weekly Reads (How many children in the class have read 3 times) |
Woodpeckers Extra playtime |
Take a look below to see some of the learning which has been going on in Year Two this week.
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