The school was transformed into Hollywood as the red carpet was rolled out, the sparkling lights were lit and the cameras were flashing. The children returned to school in their finest outfits to enjoy a glass of sparkling lemonade, some fizzy sweets and a movie experience. Throughout Storytelling Week the children have been doing a variety of activities linked to their class book. Alongside author visits, radio shows, reading in a Vardo (Romany Caravan) and retelling stories the children have been reading a book which has subsequently been turned into a movie. On Oscars Night they enjoyed the film of the book whilst being treated like A-List celebrities. As a thank you to the parents who make a great effort in supporting the work the school does by reading regularly at home, turning up at events and taking an active role in their son or daughter's education the hall was turned into the Upton Arms and refreshments were served whilst a literacy based pub quiz was enjoyed.
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