Our Year Two footballers have been busy in the last couple of weeks. Each year we organise the Harbour Sports Shield competition which is a series of events to promote competitive sport for Year Two pupils across the local schools. Last week we hosted the football element and six teams competed against each other. All the children showed great determination and skill with the 'A' team finishing as Runners Up (narrowly losing 1-0 in the final) and the 'B' team finishing fifth overall.
The quote of the day came from Ollie Blemings who was overheard, as he ran back to the halfway line after scoring his second goal of the match, saying "If I score one more goal I'm like Geoff Hurst in the 1966 World Cup final". Being that the Year Two children have just been studying the 1960s this is cross-curricular learning in real life action!
We have also had a joint training session and match with the Yarrells School and it is noticeable that the children are really developing their skills and positional sense. Thank you to Mr Antell and Mr Cole for organising these activities.
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