Across the school, children kick started the new half term with a sparkling variety of activities.
Our Reception children jetted off into space to start their new topic 'Out Of This World' and then completed space-themed art, dance and music activities throughout the day. The children came to school dressed to impress as aliens and astronauts. What super costumes! - thank you for all your hard work.
The Year One children met a very strange lady, Widow Hanky, who seemed a bit confused at to which pantomime she belonged in. The children will spend this topic learning about pantomime stories before going to see a pantomime for themselves at Poole Lighthouse.
The Year Two children had a fun start to their 'Fire Fire' topic learning about the Great Fire of London. During this topic they will also be learning about The Gunpowder Plot and keeping safe, visiting the Street Life centre in Bournemouth.
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