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Year Two's Weekly Blog

Welcome to this week's Year Two blog. 


What we have been doing this week


It's been a wacky old week in Year Two. The children have been busy making their Wacky vehicles after two weeks of exploring vehicles, practicing skills like sawing, designing and making. The Wacky Races took place where the children tested their vehicles using a ramp.


In maths we have been measuring length in cm and m, using a variety of equipment such as rulers, tape measures and trundle wheels.


In our writing, we have been continue to write about the story of our End of Year performance. We have also been painting scenery and props ready for filming!


On Friday it was Sports Day. Unfortunately we were unable to invite parents along this year, but the children took part in various fun races and activities throughout the day.


What we are learning next week


Next week we will be focusing on our End of Year Performance. We will be filming the scenes over a number of days, so we would be very grateful if your child could bring any costume in as soon as possible.


We will also be reflecting on our time at Upton Infant School, and writing about some of our memories.


In maths we will be exploring mass, weighing objects using balances and scales and comparing their weights.


This week we are not setting any new spellings.


Wow Work


This week, Woodpeckers have topped  the Doodle maths chart and have earned extra play time. We haven't counted the weekly reads this week as lots of children didn't have their book bags in school due to Sports Day.


Doodle Maths Stars

(total number of Doodle stars earned per class)


Extra playtime 


