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Year One Blog 26th May

What we have been learning this week:


This week in literacy we have edited our story form last week and have written an apology letter from our mean character.


This week in Maths we have been introduced to money. We have recognised coins and notes and we have counted in coins.


We are encouraging the children to use Doodle Maths at home to improve their maths fluency. If you do not know your child's login, please ask your class teacher.



In Geography we have compared Upton and London. We have considered the land use in both and have drawn and labelled features.


In Science this week we have looked at animal classification keys. We have grouped animals based on their characteristics and have answered yes and no questions.


In DT this week we have evaluated our looms and considered the different ways we could have improved it.


Next month the children will be completing the statutory Phonics Screening. Please make sure that you are listening to your child read at least 3 times a week and have looked at the alternative sounds in the phonics pack. If you have lost the pack please see your class teacher for a new one as this is the last push and the children must get at least 32/40 to pass.



Have a great weekend everyone!



Doodle Maths Stars





Extra playtime














Extra playtime




Extra playtime




